Doctors & Specialists in & around Manosque
Updated: Nov 21, 2021

You live in or around Manosque, and now you need a doctor. Whether it's a generalist, a pediatrician, dentist, chiropractor, etc, it's hard to find one.
Well, this is a smaller town and most specialists are more easily found in bigger cities such as Aix-en-Provence or Marseille. Depending on the need, some people even end up travelling all the way to Avignon or Montpelier for check ups or specialist operations.
A problem many locals and expats face is that many doctors do not take new patients. Or, they do not set up their offices here. Hence, many end up driving far for specific appointments.
Here is a short list of websites, hospitals and specific doctors that members from the Expats Facebook group and others have recommended in the past. If you would like to add on to the list, please feel free to comment below!
1. A online directory and app which you can download and book your appointments directly with a doctor or specialist near you. Highly recommended. You can also check whether or not they accept Carte Vital (which almost all doctors do around here), which languages they speak, and whether or not they accept RDVs via the app.
2., Another online directory and app that is downloadable. Book your appointments directly with a doctor or specialist near you. Works well for the Manosque area, as well as for vaccination jabs.
3. Raffalli Hospital, Manosque. The main hospital in town which is in front of the international school. Most people have had good experiences with the doctors and consultations here. They have general practitioners, a maternity ward, pediatricians, oncologists, certain surgeons, as well as an Emergency Care which is open 24/7.
*Additional Tip when seeing specialists in and around Manosque:
Always take your Carte Vital and a checkbook (or as some prefer, cheque book) with you to your appointments, if you have them. Some places require for you to pay for your session right away and do not have a card payment option. They take only cash or check.
1. Dr Amzallag Andre and Phillpe Sc.
Address: 1 Rue du Mont d'Or, near the townhall in Manosque.
Tel #: 04 92 72 26 15
English level = unknown. Not on Doctolib.
2. Dr Thierry Dugois
Address: 8 Rue Raffin, Manosque.
Tel #: 04 92 70 79 04
English level = basic. Not on Doctolib.
3. Dr Jacques Lemaire
Address: 26 boulevard de la plaine Manosque
Tel #: 04 92 87 60 60
English level = unknown.
4. Dr Annie Musso
Address: Avenue Majoral Arnaud Parc Luquece, Manosque.
Tel #: 04 92 70 58 60
English level = unknown. Not on Doctolib.
5. Dr Maman Didier
Address: 8 Rue Raffin, Manosque.
Tel #: 04 92 70 78 61
English level = Basic. Not on Docotlib.
6. Dr Michel Khatchian
Address: Raffalli Hospital. Chem. Auguste Girard, 04100 Manosque.
Tel #: 04 92 73 42 94
English level = unknown.
7. Dr Melinda Kiss
Address: Raffalli Hospital. Chem. Auguste Girard, 04100 Manosque.
Tel #: 04 92 73 42 94
English level = unknown.
8. Dr Muriel N'na Ekamkam
Address: 8 Rue Raffin, Manosque.
Tel #: 04 92 70 78 61
English level = intermediate.
1. Dr Emilia Cartu.
Address: Clinique de Toutes Aures. 393 Avenue des Savels, Manosque.
Tel #: 04 84 99 79 34
Recommended to take an appointment in advance. Long waiting time.
Advertised that she can speak English and Spanish.
2. Dr Irina Bologa.
Address: Raffalli Hospital. Chem. Auguste Girard, 04100 Manosque.
Tel #: 04 92 73 42 00
English level: unknown. Available via Doctolib.
3. Dr Marie Herriot
Address: 42 Rue Grande, Manosque.
Tel #: 04 92 72 34 89
English level: unknown. Does not take new patients. Can try calling in case.
4. Dr Florence Erize
Address: 1st floor, Espace Mirabeau Halle, Avenue Jean Giono, Manosque.
Tel #: 04 92 72 49 96
Doesn't speak English but can understand some. Long waiting time.
1. Dr Ildiko Kinsces. Speaks English.
Address: Centre Medical Manuesca 2 Rue De L Eden, 04100 Manosque.
Tel #: 04 92 72 33 95
Highly recommended, however not sure if she takes new patients.
Available via Doctolib and telephone.
2. Dr Neculita Corina. English = average. French preferred.
Address: Raffalli Hospital. Chem. Auguste Girard, 04100 Manosque.
Tel #: 04 92 73 42 63
Highly recommended. Does take new patients, but not in everyday.
Take your rdv in advance.
3. Dr. Pascal Dechelette. French and Spanish speaking.
Address: Centre Medical Le Manuesca, 2 Rue de l'Eden, 04100 Manosque
Tel #: 04 92 72 33 95
Recommended. Seems to take on new patients. Long waiting time for rdv.
4. Dr. Marc Guillaume. Can speak English.
Address: Centre Medical Le Manuesca, 2 Rue de l'Eden, 04100 Manosque
Tel #: 04 92 72 33 95
Recommended, however he is retiring soon (do not know exact date) and hence doesn't take new patients.
5. Dr Olivier Pelaez. French and Spanish speaking.
Address: Raffalli hospital. Chem. Auguste Girard, 04100 Manosque.
Tel #: 04 92 73 42 00
Recommended. Unsure if he takes on new patients. Need to call.
6. Dr Blanc Pierre. Speaks English well. Also a pneumalogue.
Address: Raffalli hospital. Chem. Auguste Girard, 04100 Manosque.
Tel #: 04 92 73 42 00
Recommended. Unsure if he takes on new patients. Need to call.
Now, dentists are in high demand around here. Many clinics do not take new patients. The list does not take into account who is open to new clients.
You may go ahead and try in any case.
1. Dr Dan Seceleanu
Address: 268 Chem. des Champ de Pruniers, 04100 Manosque.
Tel #: 04 92 72 02 29
English level: unknown. Recommended, however not sure if he takes on new patients.
2. Dr Shabana Siraj
Address: Avenue Majoral Arnaud Parc Luquece 04102 Manosque
Tel #: 04 92 70 58 80
Recommended, however not sure if she takes on new patients.
English level: intermediate.
3. Dr Christian Favard
Address: 6 All. Alphonse Daudet, 04100 Manosque
Tel #: 04 92 72 73 29
Recommended, however does not take new patients.
English level: unknown.
4. Dr Alain Vidal
Address: Espace Mirabeau Hall E 157 Avenue Jean Giono 04100, Manosque
Tel #: 04 92 87 69 61
Does take new patients (for now). English level: unknown.
5. Dr Thomas Touchet
Address: 1 Rue Raffin, 04100 Manosque
Tel #: 04 92 72 83 13
Recommended. May take new patients (for now). English level: unknown.
6. Cabinet of Dr Maxime Clarysse and Dr Julie Feraud
Address: Immeuble Les Aubarinnes, Av. de Verdun, 04300 Forcalquier
Tel #: 04 92 79 92 34
Recommended. May take new patients (for now). English level: unknown.
7. Dr Alain Leclercq
Address: Rue des Tourelles, 04100 Manosque
Tel #: 04 92 87 63 74
Recommended. May not take new patients. English level: unknown.
8. Dr Jeremy Avon Martinez
Address: 14 Avenue Auguste Bastide, 04860 Pierrevert
Tel #: 04 92 87 63 74
Recommended. Speaks basic English. Takes on new patients.
Available on
(Similar to Chiropractors)
1. Dr Florianne Erba
Address: 35 Rue Jean Jacques Rousseau, 04100 Manosque
Tel #: 07 61 28 92 51
Unsure of English language ability. If someone is aware, please update us.
2. Dr Rapuzzi Veronique
Address: 340 Av. du Dr Bernard Foussier espace Chrimalyde, Manosque
Tel #: 06 08 06 52 97
Available via English level: unknown.
3. Dr Antoine Giorgetti
Address: 12 Bd de la Plaine, 04100 Manosque
Tel #: 04 92 87 44 85
Available via *Mentioned that he doesn't take Carte Vitale. To check online. English level: unknown.
4. Dr Ophelie Maillard
Address: Travels to your home for treatments (04 region).
Tel #: 06 17 29 21 32
Can speak some English. Open to new clients.
5. Dr Morgan Carbonnel
Address: 28 Route des Alpes, 04700 La Brillanne
Tel #: 06 61 71 01 00
Available on Doctolib. Can speak some Spanish and English.
6. Dr Cécile Roussin
Address: Axe Sud, 1, avenue Joseph Cugnot, Manosque.
Tel #: 04 92 74 42 92
English level: unknown.
1. Pierre Weber
Address: Clinique de Toutes Aures, 393 Avenue des Savels, Manosque
Tel #: 04 92 70 84 00
Available on Doctolib. English level: unknown.
2. Virginie Occelli
Address: Clinique de Toutes Aures, 393 Avenue des Savels, Manosque
Tel #: 04 92 70 84 00
English level: basic. Recommended.
3. Group: Thomas Giglio & Virginie Ferrand
Address: Come to your home in 04. Based in Pierrevert
Tel #: 09 86 26 20 48
English level: unknown.
4. Riguad Lionel
Address: Forcalquier & Manosque.
Manosque: 1 Rue du Mont d'Or
Forcalquier: 11 Av. de la République
Tel #: 06 81 77 80 18; 04 92 75 01 23
English level: unknown.
5. Magali Blanc
Address: 1 Rue du Mont d'Or, Manosque
Tel #: 04 92 87 45 25
English level: unknown.
15: Medical Emergency number in France (National).
17: Police / National Guard: to call in case of violence, theft or security issue.
18: Firemen/women : to call in case of fire, car accident, or physical threat.
114: Domestic Violence: to call if you or someone you know is in a physically or mentally abusive environment or danger.
112: European Emergency Number: Uniquely available all around Europe for serious accidents, fire and security issue (such as theft). This does not cancel out the national lines that are available above, but works no matter which European country you're in. In case you do not have the national contact number of the country you travel to, you can call this number regardless.

Please help us make this list up to date and more vibrant! If you know of more doctors and specialists in and around town, or especially their English language level skills, please do email us or comment below!
We appreciate all the help we can get!
